250.489.2517 | 888.265.1889 info@bighorn.ca

Bighorn helicopters flies beyond the main stream.

Our specialized work encompasses:

  • Protecting, locating, and rescuing humans and creatures from harmful incidents, including natural disasters.
  • Class D HEC Longline Rescue.
  • Transportation to or near health centre(s) via medically equipped aircraft.
  • Utility sector construction and maintenance.
  • Wildlife capture, relocation, and control.

Bighorn helicopters is the Canadian company responsible for stabilizing wildlife capture in Canada; a proven safe method of multiple species research, development, and sustainability.

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Bighorn Helicopters Inc. aerial support during ungulate and predator species studies enhance results for the effective management and sustainability of this vital component of nature.

Helicopter support provided:

  • Wildlife capture with use of netgun
  • Wildlife capture with use of dartgun
  • Wildlife control
  • Wildlife data collection
  • Wildlife collar placement
  • Wildlife collar retrieval
  • Wildlife tracking
  • Wildlife surveys
  • Wildlife telemetry

The Bighorn Helicopters Inc. animal crew is the most experienced and successful crew in Canada

Bighorn Helicopters Inc. has the mountain flying training, knowledge, equipment, and experience in forest protection and growth such as:

  • Tree planting passenger and equipment positioning
  • Cone harvesting
  • Forest Health assessment, pine beetle
  • Forest Harvest planning and assessment
  • Forest Fire controlled burns, ignition and monitoring
  • Slash pile support
  • Forest Fire crew carriage
  • Forest Fire suppression, water bucketing
  • Forest Fire Management, bird-dogging
  • Forest study passenger and equipment positioning
  • Medivac of personnel from Forest

Bighorn Helicopters Inc. has the capabilities of:

  • Transporting you and/or your group to a safe location
  • Aerial Search and Rescue
  • Mountain rescue, long-lining
  • Flying in trained medical personnel for your immediate care and return to a safe location

Bighorn Helicopters has decades of experience supporting this vital sector regardless of it’s production source.

  • Vegetation and line patrols
  • Light, Intermediate and heavy intermediate lifts
  • Platform, pole, and structure work
  • Stringing, threading, conductor and insulator removal and placement
  • Marker cone and bird diverter removal and placement
  • Construction AND maintenance of a variety of line types
  • Emergency and short notice charters
  • Small and large scale projects
  • Safe Job Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures in effect
  • Crew placement
  • Ancillary equipment
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